Happy Fall everyone~
Fall has come quickly and with it it has brought Hawaii's version of fall weather....rain, rain, and more rain. The boys got their first report cards of this school year and Boy! was it an eye opener for me!! Both boys were struggling and I had no idea,Chase is barely passing in Science, that didn't go over well with Jeff who has a degree in it, but unfortunately Jeff was away when this was going on. Skyler was moved into a new 3rd grade class, created due to too many third graders this year. Well during this whole transition and then after, he decided that writing down homework assignments and then doing them was TOO much, and thus chose not to. Let me just say it was 2 very LONG days off doing nothing but homework, those were the longest 8 hours of my life. Skyler went on his 1 of 2 field trips to have pumpkin farm, and I actually got to go to as an EA for another 3rd grade class. It was kind of cool seeing pumpkins and watermelons growing in Hawaii. Skyler is still diving and he amazes me with how far he has advanced, he and a fellow dive student (Max) are learning the steps to put a back somersault together.... the boys are working hard to prepare for a series of dive meets starting Jan 3, 2009. Chase is still being a bum, but that is due to Mokapu Elementary dropping the ball again and not getting their fitness team up as of yet, all other schools that we will compete against next spring have been in practice for over a month. Jeff was gone for Halloween, hopefully the last one he will have to miss. The boys had a great time, Chase was the comical version of the villain from Scream, and Skyler was a demented Jester. The neighborhood we live in now rolls out the red carpet for this holiday and at 5:59 there was packs of kids waiting to knock on doors. I ran out of candy after an hour and fifteen minutes in, WOW there were sooooooo many kids! During the long 4 day weekend, we went to my favorite spot on the island, bellows beach and the boys played sand snow ball fights, quite amusing.
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