March has brought us an early spring, with very unusual weather in paradise. It has been soupy clouds for about six months, so you never know when or if the sun will shine through. Chase competed in Kaiser at the beginning of the month and did the best he could, but was against some seriously tough 5th graders, he had fun and was cheered on by his peers. Jeff flew to Dallas and interviewed for a company that does military contracts in the area my husband is trained (my bullshit way of saying "not sure what he does") their home base is Dallas, but Jeff interviewed for either El Paso, Tx or Ardmore, Ok. We will know our outcome next month. The boys are on spring break. We went to diamond Head over the weekend, and it was a refreshingly easy hike, with beautiful views of Wikiki. We probably wont do much more this spring, as we are watching every penny for retirement. Maddie finally got the shock collar we have been threatening, and I think we see it as more of entertainment than training (we are probably going to hell for it). I am sure most of ya'll has seen Chase and his extremely long hair, something he was proud of. The rule in our home is, you can grow your hair as long as you like as long as it is washed and combed everyday...... Chase pushed the limit! Three days of not combing his hair resulted in long hair no more!!!!!!
Birthday shout-outs go to my nephew Josh who turned 23, and Austin Croucher who turned 12.